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I'd write more, like you said I should. If only, there was more to me.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


More encouraging news. This time from Phil Tatham, Publisher, Monsoon Books. If you've got a great book idea, I can guarantee he'll be all ears.

Monsoon has had a great run this year and I'm heartened to see Phil's hard work pay off. I was introduced to Monsoon's work thanks to Pam Fahey, who was briefly a publicist for Marshall Cavendish and then for Harper Collins. I still remember Pam telling me to keep an eye on Monsoon even as she packed her bags and bid adieu to Singapore. She predicted growth. And grown they have. Monsoon Books finishes the year with top-ten bestsellers in Malaysia - 'Growing Up in Trengganu' by Awang Goneng, in Indonesia, its 'Jakarta Undercover II' by Moammar Emka and in Thailand 'Escape' by David McMillan. Two short stories have been adapted for television.

To celebrate it all, Monsoon rings in some more festive cheer. A 30% discount for all titles and they're also giving away books every month. This month its copies of Nigel Barley's 'Rogue Raider.' It's off to their website for all the book deals.

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